Personal Training

Here at rejuvenating we pride ourselves on the level of care and customer service we deliver to you.

Through our 1 to 1 personal training we can help you realise your potential by motivation and bespoke, training programmes that address and incorporate:

  • Your Aims & Goals
  • Health & Fitness Assessment
  • Postural Assessment
  • Nutritional & Lifestyle Advice

Your Aims & Goals

It is of primary importance that we design a training programme that delivers exactly what you want. Whether it be getting fitter, losing body fat or bulking up, our extensive knowledge and experience can get you exactly where you want to be.

At rejuvenating, we undertake a thorough consultation and offer you the specicifty you require.

Health & Fitness Assessment

It is essential that all exercise we recommend to our clients is safe and effective. The bespoke and personal approach we take will instill a confidence that you are being well taken care of and looked after.

It is therefore necessary to undergo a thorough and comprehensive health and fitness assessment. This comprises of a health questionnaire and static fitness tests i.e. resting heart rate, blood pressure, lung function and body fat measurement. The assessment screens for any medical conditions and any potential risk of physical injury. It also provides an excellent opportunity for us to get to know you as an individual and gives us an overall picture of you by analysing your current lifestyle in terms of stress, diet, occupation etc.

Consideration of all these factors provides far better results than looking at any single one in isolation.

Postural Assessment

Poor posture….. What is it? What causes it?

There are various reasons why one might develop poor posture. There are physical stresses imposed on our bodies during:

  • Sport (over-training/over developing muscles or muscle groups)
  • Ocupational or General Lifestyle Activities (sitting at a desk or in a car driving all day)
  • Emotional and Psychological Stress
  • Physical Injury

These activities and stresses place a variety of strains upon our skeleton and soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments). As a result our bodies adapt to best cope with and manage it’s effects by adopting certain identifiable ways and positions in which we stand and walk etc (i.e. posture). This in turn triggers a chain reaction in the body where some muscles will become tight and short and their opposing (antagonistic) muscles becoming stretched and weak. This muscular imbalance can lead to an increased propensity to injury or common ailments such as headaches, back pain and other common joint problems.

Postural Assessment….. What is it? What does it involve?

It follows that if we can identify and analyse poor posture we can address the long term correction or management of it in our training programmes. We use our expertise in anatomy, physiology and observational skills to take you through a thorough and comprehensive assessment which comprises of a series of easy and painless functional tests of strength and flexibility.

The results from which allow us to assess and identify which muscles/muscle groups have become short and tight and which have lengthened and weakened.

Here at rejuvenating our 1 to 1 training incorporates the results from your postural assessment and also provides a specific and comprehensive rehabilitation programme for you to adhere to on your own. We also provide Sports Massage Therapy to further enhance the benefits achieved from your training.

This truly bespoke approach we offer not only addresses what you want from your workouts in your Aims and Goals but also restores muscular balance and normal posture, thus alleviating any problems associated with it.

Nutritional & Lifestyle Advice

Here at rejuvenating, we make it our business to improve health, increase vitality and help you realise your true potential. Therefore when undertaking an exercise programme, it is, more often than not, necessary to adhere to a healthy, well balanced, eating and lifestyle plan. After all, it is virtually impossible to out-train a poor diet.

You will be asked, at regular intervals, to complete a weekly food diary which allows us the opportunity to ascertain areas of/for improvement.

Whatever your needs or requirements, we have the knowledge and experience to fulfill them.

Over the years we have delivered specific programmes for:

  • Ante/Post Natal Women
  • Arthritics
  • Asthmatics
  • Diabetes (Type 1 & 2)
  • Low/High Blood Pressure
  • Obese Individuals
  • Rehabilitation
  • Sports Specific Athletes