Sports Therapy

Sports Massage Therapy….. What is it?

Sports Massage Therapy belongs to a “family” of therapies known as “Specific Massage”. However it is not just massage.

Unlike “Non Specific Massage” such as Swedish, it has a much wider variety and more specialised array of connective tissue massage strokes that create friction between cutaneous and sub-cutaneous tissues (i.e. different layers of soft tissue). Other advocates of this type of massage include Physiotherapists and Osteopaths.

The Sports Massage Therapist also utilises other advanced and specialised soft tissue manipulation techniques e.g. “neuromuscular techniques”, “muscle energy techniques”, “stretching” and “strain/counter strain”, and is aimed at bringing about a more specific effect in the body.

Sports Therapy can help:

  • The treatment of injuries
  • Athletic performance
  • Postural imbalance

Sports Massage & The Treatment of Injuries

Sports Massage Therapy is a superb form of treatment because it works with the body’s own healing processes. Invaluable in the rehabilitation of fresh (acute) injuries where-by soft tissue can be “encouraged” to align and heal itself properly, thus avoiding the formation of adhesions and irregular scar tissue, which once formed could lead to tension, inflexibility and inefficient muscle function. This might invariably result in future problems i.e. having a greater propensity to further or associated injuries.

In the case of older (chronic) injuries, adhesions can be broken down and scar tissue made more pliable and stretched out, resulting in normal tissue integrity and function being restored.

Here at rejuvenating, we take you through a detailed case history and clinical examination and provide, in conjunction with the specialised techniques within Sports Massage Therapy, a specific and comprehensive rehabilitation programme and get you back on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

Sports Massage & Athletic Performance

From recreational to competitive sport, alongside warming up and cooling down, here at rejuvenating we believe Sports Massage Therapy should be an integral aspect of any athletes training programme.

Through our treatments we can remove the accumulation of the general aches and pains that most sports persons normally seem to accept. We use our hands to feel (palpate) and explore the tissues, find these problems and deal with them accordingly.

This will not only help to improve performance and endurance but also prevent injuries and loss of joint mobility in potential trouble spots. In essence, we can help maintain the entire body in a better physical condition and extend the overall life of the athletic career.

Sports Massage & Postural Imbalance

To allow coordinated and free movement, perfect synchronisation must occur within muscle groups. Postural imbalance arises when certain muscles or muscle groups within the body adaptively shorten, resulting in a reciprocal lengthening of other opposing (antagonistic) muscles or muscle groups. This can happen for example, when one is sitting at a desk at work, driving all day or over training/over developing muscles or muscle groups. This muscular imbalance can result in a greater propensity to injury or more common ailments such as headaches, back pain and other joint problems.

Here at rejuvenating, we take you through a thorough assessment and provide, in conjunction with the specialised techniques within Sports Massage Therapy, a specific and comprehensive rehabilitation programme.

This bespoke approach can restore muscular balance and normal posture, thus alleviating any problems associated with it.