Swedish Massage

A relaxing general massage that can help combat stress, assist celllulite reduction, water retention & weight loss.

Click the links below to read more about how a Swedish Massage can help in each of the following areas:


With the hectic pace of life today, stress is becoming more and more of an issue for people, both at work and at home.

Stress can be identified as a “perceived inability to cope with perceived demands”, with the key word being “perceived”.

A certain amount of stress can be constructive. Athletes, who need to perform, sales people who have targets to achieve, are all aided by the heightened mental concentration and physical performance that stress provides. Unfortunately, however, more often than not we are placed, or rather place ourselves, under too much stress and therefore putting our health in jeopardy.

How can massage help stress?

We respond to stress in a manner referred to as “fight or flight”. In essence, this is an alarm response dating back to when our choice was to either confront or run away from any threat. This makes the body mobilise it’s resources using hormones such as Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Cortisol and Thyroxin for immediate physical activity.

As soon as the fight or flight response has worn off, the body returns to normal. If however, a person is subjected to stress over a long period of time, the constant influence of these hormones results in chronic, systemic (whole body) inflammation, which medical science now acknowledges to be one of the main causes of DISEASE.

The long term effects of stress should not be underestimated. It’s effects can have far reaching and profound consequences………

  • Cancer
  • Auto-immune Disease – Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Caeliac Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus etc.
  • Coronary Heart Disease – Heart Attack, Stroke (due to it’s direct effect on raising blood pressure and cholesterol) etc.
  • Digestive Disorders – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Acid Reflux etc.
  • Psychological Disorders – Depression (which can lead to Obesity & Anorexia) etc.
  • Respiratory Disorders – Asthma etc.
  • Increased susceptibility to infection – Colds, Flu etc.
  • Migraine
  • Muscular Pain, Tension & Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased Sex Drive

We have however, at our disposal, a useful instrument (tool) which can be employed and will, by the reduction of physical and mental stress, bring the body’s natural energy and hormonal levels back into balance – a state we call “Homeostasis“.

This will invariably reduce the effects of the disorders above, either by reducing the stress that these disorders create, or by helping to eliminate stress in the first place, which may have been a contributing factor in developing the condition.

The instrument of choice is “MASSAGE”

Cellulite Reduction

We all know it, its those unsightly dimply areas on the skin, often resembling the surface of an orange peel when the flesh is pinched.

Hard and cold to the touch, the mere word etches horror in the faces of most women, bar the very lucky. The condition is predominately found in women due to their having much higher levels of the hormone oestrogen which encourages the depositing of fat, and is found on the outer thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, midriff and back of the arms (all of those areas you get embarrassed or self-conscious about when you are contemplating buying that dress you’ve always wanted or skimpy bikini for your next holiday!).

So what is cellulite?

The affliction presents itself more commonly in overweight individuals, but is often found in those of average weight or slim people! Believe it or not cellulite is indeed physiologically like any other type of fat, but it is the differences in its supporting connective tissue and in the organisation and circulation of its surrounding subcutaneous tissue (layers under the skin) that makes it more difficult to remove. The compressed, lobule structure of cellulite areas, compresses the tiny lymphatic and blood vessels (capillaries) resulting in the stagnation of waste products and toxins and the hardening of fat in the fat cells (adipocytes) due to the inability of the blood to carry it away and convert it to energy (fat being one of the body’s sources of energy!).

Left ignored, areas of cellulite progressively degenerate and become harder, making it more difficult to eliminate.

Through its wide variety of techniques, massage can help reduce cellulite by softening these hardened fatty tissues and increasing circulation to the once deficient area. Once re-introduced back into circuilation, it can be eliminated with the help of a good excercise and nutritional programme.

Water Retention

You know the scenario. You’ve got a night out planned. You try on your favourite outfit, which you know makes you feel a million dollars only to find its pinching at the waist! Its clinging to your thighs! Your rings are too tight and your feet hurt because your shoes have seemingly turned into a size smaller! You look in the mirror and feel fat, bloated and miserable – Thats right, Water Retention.

Water Retention or to give it it’s technical name Oedema, is a swelling of the tissues due to an accumulation and stagnation of tissue fluid in the spaces between cells or tissue. Normally this fluid is drained away through lymphatic or blood vessels. However, if these systems fail, fluid will remain in the tissues. The amount of swelling can vary from slight puffiness to complete engorgement of tissues.

There are many possible causes of oedema:-

  • Standing in the same position for long periods of time
  • Obstruction or blockage of the Lymphatic system such as infected lymph nodes
  • Poor or restricted circulation
  • Removal of glands (clusters of lymph nodes) through surgery
  • Certain times during a woman’s menstrual cycle
  • Certain medications
  • Diet (too much salt)

Not only does massage increase blood and lymphatic circulation, but it “squeezes” excess tissue fluid back into the lymphatic drainage vessels where-in it can eventually be re-admitted into the blood stream and finally passed out as urine.

Weight Loss

“Massage…..Anything this good must be fattening, right? Wrong! Scientists confirm what massage therapists have always known; massage can be a powerful and effective weight loss tool. We at rejuvenating can make it easier by incorporating our massage into the healthy lifestyle you’re building!”

The relationship between massage and weight loss is the synergy of many subtle factors working together. These include:-

  • Reduced Stress
  • Reduced Cellulite
  • Reduced Water Retention

Improved Flatter Tummy

The mechanical action of massaging the small and large intestine can help shift impacted waste matter and fermentation gas. By eliminating these toxins a bloated abdomen can become flatter.

Improved Metabolic Rate

What is metabolism? Even when you are sitting in a chair doing nothing your body is hard at work; breathing, pumping blood, digesting food, growing new cells, regulating hormones and excreting toxins. The amount of energy (or calories from food) that your body requires strictly to function is called your “basal metabolic rate”. Most people just refer to it as “metabolism” and it is a process rather than a tangible body part or hormone etc.

The process of metabolism is dependant on the supply of energy (oxygen/nutrients etc.) to each and every cell in the body. It also requires the elimination of the products (metabolic waste) it produces. This is carried out by the blood and lymphatic circulation respectively.

The massage movements accelerate the flow of blood and lymph through their circulatory systems resulting in an increase in the rate of cellular oxygen/nutrient and metabolic waste exchange ie. an increase in metabolism.

Improved Tissue Integrity

Muscles often become excessively tight either from overuse/training, excessive stress and the accumulative wear and tear from everyday usage, affecting flexibility, relaxation and muscle balance. This can lead to reduced circulation to the area and hence a decreased cellular exchange of oxygen/nutrient and metabolic waste. The subsequent restriction of nourishment and increasing toxicity leads to tension, stiffness and pain. The mechanical effects of massage loosen, stretch, spread and lengthen muscle fibres, breaking down any fibrous matting (adhesions) and therefore increasing tissue movement, pliability, circulation and integrity. Improving the integrity of tissue through massage facilitates an improvement in the rate of cellular oxygen/nutrient and metabolic waste exchange ie. increased metabolism. So it can be seen that massage improves tissue integrity, which improves metabolism, which in turn assists weight loss.

Improved Recovery From Exercise

Massage causes the pores in tissue membranes to open, facilitating the exchange of fluids and improving the removal of metabolic waste products such as lactic acid and carbonic acid, both of which build up during and after vigorous exercise. Muscles can then absorb the very rich oxygenated blood and other nutrients which are needed to repair and build up tissue following training.

The soreness and stiffness felt following and between workouts can be an inhibiting factor in one adhering to a regular exercise programme. Regular massage can dramatically increase the body’s rate of recovery from exercise, enabling one to train more frequently (consequently improving muscle tone, increasing metabolism and assisting weight loss!).

Improved Self-Esteem

Massage is a powerful way to love, respect and nurture yourself. When you love yourself, you are less likely to engage in unhealthy lifestyle choices.